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Emerging from Lockdown into the New Normal
11 June, 2020

Emerging from Lockdown into the New Normal

During the past couple of weeks we have amplified the re-engagement programme with our auditor community and with over fifty percent of clients resuming their age verification programmes in June and July, we are now able to offer our auditors regular work. Staying connected with our auditor community during lockdown was achieved by our bright and inventive Area Managers. They helped foster the Serve Legal Community spirit through various virtual activities such as Easter egg hunts, regular quiz-nights and Bingo. We have discovered numerous hidden talents exist amid our auditor community of 18 and 19-year olds, be they musicians with passions for a wide genre of music, jugglers, expert cake makers or artists living across the UK and Ireland; I can’t promise that we have the next MOBO, Mercury or British Bake off winner among us, but they have kept us and each other entertained. Some of the short surveys we have undertaken have provided an interesting window into the world of our loyal auditor community and the fantastic work and dedication of our Area Managers has allowed us to get back on our feet relatively quickly, though there is still a way to go.

Although time appeared to stand still for a while way back at the end of March and early April, birthdays have continued to be celebrated and some of our auditors turned twenty. With that, we are now busily recruiting throughout the UK and Ireland to allow us to return to the service levels we were delivering pre-Covid.

Of course, we acknowledge not everyone is back up and running and we very much hope circumstances improve dramatically for all of our hospitality, gaming and leisure clients. We look forward to all sectors re-establishing themselves and for their businesses to once again be thriving rather than surviving.

Like so many of you, we’ve not stood still during the enforced fallow period and instead took the opportunity to accelerate our investment in the new system and our technology, and we look forward to our clients benefiting from the improvements throughout the coming months.

In summary, we are back, and open to helping clients old and new to be as compliant as possible while also focused on adapting our services to meet your ever-changing needs and in doing so keeping the Serve Legal auditor community and your staff safe. The ‘new normal’ is here to stay for the foreseeable future; please be assured that the Serve Legal team and our vibrant community are up to the challenge.

To find out more about the how Serve Legal can help and support your business, contact: Jenni Garratt, Sales & Client Manager for Serve Legal on 07483002146 or by email to

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